Sully, your mom has great taste in clothes and awesome ideas in props! Beth, you have the eye to being a photographer yourself. Of course, I love taking pictures of return clients and seeing how much the children have changed since our last session. Even tough I get the privilege of seeing Sully at church, there is never enough time to hold him and snuggle him. We are praying for this little guy and his family as they are about to come head on with the first of many surgeries for little Sully. His mother put together an awesome cookbook as a benefit for Sully and they are selling them for $15. Here is her e-mail if you are interested and pass the word: bethannnagel@hotmail.com I know the first 700 she ordered flew out the door, so they are on there 2nd order. If you have time say some special prayers for this little guy, especially over Easter as they travel to Chicago to being the first of many surgeries. We Love you Sully! God Bless-